Hamdard Journal of Pharmacy http://hjp.hamdard.edu.pk/index.php/hjp <p>The advancements in the field of biological, medicinal and pharmaceutical sciences need to cultivate novel research among the scientists. Research and publication are the means of disseminating and communicating scientific work from multiple disciplines to the world. Hamdard journal of Pharmacy is a peered review bi-annual journal for all disciplines of Pharmacy. The aim is to provide a forum for quality publications in field of Pharmacy. The objectives of HJP are to establish an effective channel of communication between researchers from academic and research institutions. It is dedicated to the development &amp; innovation in the fields of biological, medicinal and pharmaceutical sciences and to cater the needs to cultivate research in field of Pharmacy. This journal is founded in February 2019. HJP is committed to promote and coordinate in the said fields from the researcher bench to the public health engaging the pharmaceutical industry to broaden its insight.</p> <p>OBJECTIVES</p> <p>This journal is intended to be a leading source of scholarly articles and research papers. Our aim is to establish hassle free affordable publication to researchers and scholars.</p> <p>MISSION STATEMENT</p> <p>Our mission of this journal is to create a central source of original research articles in field of Pharmacy. HJP will provide equal opportunity to present quality research to all in a very convenient and affordable manner with easy online open access to all students and researchers.</p> <p>DISCIPLINES</p> <p>The journal aims to publish high quality original research papers, review articles, short communications, Case reports and letter to editors in all the disciplines of pharmaceutical and medicinal sciences. The areas are:</p> <p>• Medicinal Chemistry<br />• Pharmaceutical Chemistry<br />• Pharmaceutical Analysis<br />• Standardization and Quality control of formulated drugs and raw materials<br />• Stability studies<br />• Pharmacovigilance<br />• Toxicology and Drug Metabolism<br />• Bioavailability and Bioequivalence<br />• Biological evaluation<br />• Pharmacognosy<br />• Phytochemistry<br />• Industrial Pharmacy<br />• Pharmaceutical Research<br />• Pharmacy practice<br />• Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology<br />• Therapeutic drug monitoring<br />• Adverse drug reaction</p> en-US Laila.anwer@hamdard.edu.pk (Laila Anwer) syedwaleedahmedbokhari50@gmail.com (Syed Waleed Ahmed Bokhari) Mon, 05 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Innovation and Resilience in healthcare system sustainability-Insights from Eastern Medicine, Nutritional and Pharmaceutical sciences http://hjp.hamdard.edu.pk/index.php/hjp/article/view/77 <p>The first International Conference on Health Sciences was held at Hamdard University Islamabad on February 14–15, 2024, with the theme "Innovation and Resilience in Healthcare System Sustainability; Insights from Eastern Medicine, Nutritional and Pharmaceutical Sciences." The conference included a wide range of subjects, including pharmaceutical advancements, cancer, infectious diseases, metabolic issues. and sustainable medical practices. Experts emphasized Pakistan's potential in healthcare, especially with regard to paramedics.</p> Hamdard Journal Of Pharmacy Copyright (c) 2024 Hamdard Journal of Pharmacy http://hjp.hamdard.edu.pk/index.php/hjp/article/view/77 Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000